About Jennifer


Reflections on personal travels throughout the world by sea and land:

May these images conjure for you the fundamental joy of interacting with the nature we are so much a part of and in which we coexist with these majestic creatures. As a life long sailor, avid scuba and free diver I am passionate about our planet and especially the vulnerable communities, oceans and wildlife to which I have had the great fortune to meet and collaborate with over many years. Many of these paintings were inspired by first hand encounters I have had whilst taking underwater photographs and video. Having participated in marine volunteer work around the globe, I have witnessed that even small acts of kindness can have a huge impact on the daily lives of others. It is my desire, in my own small way, to use art as a message for change and inspiration. I decided from the beginning of my career as a painter to use many of the proceeds from my commissions and exhibitions to reinvest in the local communities worldwide which have changed my life and made it much the richer. Please feel free to reach out to contact me.